Retaining Walls or Erosion Control

Assess the Area:

Identify the location where you need a retaining wall or erosion control. Understand the slope, soil type, and drainage patterns.

Determine Purpose:

Decide if the wall is for structural support or erosion prevention. This will guide your material and design choices.

Measure Dimensions:

Measure the length, height, and width of the area where the wall will be constructed. Bring this to the store!

Research Materials:

Learn about different materials like builder blocks or natural stone that suit your needs and aesthetic preferences.

Check Regulations:

Check local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance before starting the project or ask us!

Plan Drainage:

Consider how water will flow around and through the wall. Plan for proper drainage to prevent water buildup behind the wall.

Sketch the Design:

Create a rough sketch of your wall's design and layout, including any necessary curves or terracing.

Estimate Quantity:

Use the appropriate calculator to figure the amount of material you'll need based on your measurements and design.

Gather Tools:

Make a list of tools required for the project, such as shovels, levels, and masonry equipment. We sell what you may need.

By following these steps, you'll arrive at the store well-prepared to select the right materials for your retaining wall or erosion control project. We also can do this project for you!